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Preliminary definitions.

The domain.
Variable Dom : Set.

Constant predicates.
Definition PFalse (x : Dom) := False.
Definition PTrue (x : Dom) := True.

A formula (modulo a theory represented by arbitrary predicates).
Inductive Formula : Type :=
  | FPred : (Dom -> Prop) -> Formula
  | FAnd : Formula -> Formula -> Formula
  | FOr: Formula -> Formula -> Formula.

Evaluating formulas.
Fixpoint Eval (f : Formula) (x : Dom) {struct f} : Prop :=
  match f with
    | FPred p => p x
    | FAnd fa fb => Eval fa x /\ Eval fb x
    | FOr fa fb => Eval fa x \/ Eval fb x

When is a formula Unsat? (Note the tricky empty variable universe case.)
Definition Unsat (f : Formula) := forall x : Dom, ~ Eval f x.

An equality on formulas.
Variable eq : forall x y : Formula, {x=y} + {x<>y}.

The (simplified) prunning algorithm.

Fixpoint Prune (old new : Formula) {struct new} : Formula :=
  match old, new with
    | FAnd a b, FAnd a' c => if eq a a' then FAnd a (Prune b c) else new
    | _, FOr a b => FOr (Prune old a) (Prune old b)
    | _, _ => if eq old new then (FPred PFalse) else new

Correctness of the pruning algorithm.

First invariant.
Lemma PruneInvA : forall old new : Formula, forall x : Dom,
  (~ Eval old x -> Eval new x -> Eval (Prune old new) x).
double induction old new.
   unfold Prune in |- *.
   induction eq.
  rewrite a in H; contradiction.
   unfold Prune in |- *.
   induction eq.
  rewrite a in H1; contradiction.
   unfold Prune in |- *; fold Prune in |- *.
   unfold Eval in |- *; fold Eval in |- *.
   unfold Eval in H2; fold Eval in H2.
   unfold Prune in |- *.
   induction eq.
  rewrite a in H1; contradiction.
   unfold Prune in |- *; fold Prune in |- *.
   induction eq.
  rewrite a; rewrite a in H2; rewrite a in H3; clear a.
   unfold Prune in |- *; fold Prune in |- *.
   unfold Eval in |- *; fold Eval in |- *.
   unfold Eval in H4; fold Eval in H4.
   unfold Prune in |- *.
   induction eq.
  rewrite a in H1; contradiction.
   unfold Prune in |- *.
   induction eq.
  rewrite a in H3; contradiction.
   unfold Prune in |- *; fold Prune in |- *.
   unfold Eval in |- *; fold Eval in |- *.
   unfold Eval in H4; fold Eval in H4.

Second invariant.
Lemma PruneInvB : forall old new : Formula, forall x : Dom,
  (~ Eval old x -> Eval (Prune old new) x -> Eval new x).
double induction old new.
 unfold Eval in |- *; fold Eval in |- *;
   unfold Prune in |- *; intros; induction eq.
  unfold Eval in H0; contradiction.
  unfold Eval in H0; assumption.
 unfold Eval in |- *; fold Eval in |- *.
   unfold Prune in |- *; fold Prune in |- *.
   intros; induction eq.
  unfold Eval in H2; contradiction.
  unfold Eval in H2; assumption.
 unfold Eval in |- *; fold Eval in |- *.
   unfold Prune in |- *; fold Prune in |- *.
   unfold Eval in H2; fold Eval in H2.
 unfold Eval in |- *; fold Eval in |- *.
   unfold Prune in |- *; fold Prune in |- *.
   intros; induction eq.
  unfold Eval in H2; contradiction.
  unfold Eval in H2; assumption.
 unfold Eval in |- *; fold Eval in |- *.
   unfold Prune in |- *; fold Prune in |- *.
   intros; induction eq.
  unfold Eval in H4; fold Eval in H4.
    rewrite a in H4; rewrite a in H3.
  unfold Eval in H4; fold Eval in H4; assumption.
   unfold Prune in H4; fold Prune in H4; unfold Eval in H4; fold Eval in H4.
   unfold Eval in |- *; fold Eval in |- *.
   case H4.
 unfold Eval in |- *; fold Eval in |- *.
   unfold Prune in |- *; fold Prune in |- *.
   intros; induction eq.
  unfold Eval in H2; contradiction.
  unfold Eval in H2; assumption.
 unfold Eval in |- *; fold Eval in |- *.
   unfold Prune in |- *; fold Prune in |- *.
   intros; induction eq.
  unfold Eval in H4; contradiction.
  unfold Eval in H4; assumption.
 unfold Eval in |- *; fold Eval in |- *.
   unfold Prune in |- *; fold Prune in |- *.
   unfold Eval in H4; fold Eval in H4.
   case H4.
  intros; right; firstorder.

Simple fact about Unsat.
Lemma UnsatImp : forall a b : Formula,
  (forall x : Dom, Eval a x -> Eval b x) -> Unsat b -> Unsat a.
  unfold Unsat.

The algorithm is complete.
Lemma PruneComplete : forall old new : Formula,
  Unsat old -> Unsat new -> Unsat (Prune old new).
  apply (UnsatImp (Prune old new) new).
  unfold Unsat in H.
  apply PruneInvB.

The algorithm is sound.
Lemma PruneSound : forall old new : Formula,
  Unsat old -> Unsat (Prune old new) -> Unsat new.
  apply (UnsatImp new (Prune old new)).
  unfold Unsat in H.
  apply PruneInvA.

Therefore it is correct.
Theorem PruneCorrect : forall old new : Formula,
  Unsat old -> (Unsat new <-> Unsat (Prune old new)).
  apply PruneComplete; assumption.
  apply PruneSound; assumption.

A trivial pruning algorithm and its correctness.

Definition TrivialPrune (old new : Formula) := new.

Theorem TrivialPruneCorrect : forall old new : Formula,
  Unsat old -> (Unsat new <-> Unsat (TrivialPrune old new)).

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